Rise Up & Vote
Somos Escritroas believes in the power of your voice.
We believe that voting is an extension of your voice. Voting allows the local, state, and federal government to know the issues that matter to you and your community. That is why, this Election 2024, we decided to help you be informed about how to register or pre-register to vote in your state.
Getting ready to vote is one of the most empowering steps to shape your future and the world around you. If you’re close to voting age, you may be able to pre-register to vote now so that when you turn 18, you’ll be automatically ready to make your voice heard in the next election.
Did you know you can pre-register to vote if you live in Texas?
Teens who are at least 17 years and 10 months old and will be 18 by Election Day can pre-register to vote in Texas (RockTheVote.org, n.d.). Some states allow you to pre-register to vote if you are at least 16 years old, others require you to register in person, and some require a driver's license (RockTheVote.org, n.d.).
Register to Vote in your state
Below are a few links to help you on your journey to register to vote and exercise your right to vote in future elections.
Young Voters (under 18)
Learn about voting:
Rock the Vote: https://www.rockthevote.org/how-to-vote/
Vote.Gov: https://vote.gov/guide-to-voting/preparing-age-18-and-under
Check your eligibility to pre-register to vote:
Take the pledge to vote:
Voto Latino: https://votolatino.org/article/pledge-to-vote/
Rock the Vote: https://www.vote.org/pledge-to-register/
When We All Vote: https://whenweallvote.org/voting101/pledge/
Are you a teacher who wants to teach about voting and the election process? Check out the resources below.:
Highs school Students
Democracy Class: https://www.rockthevote.org/programs-and-partner-resources/democracy-class/
My School Votes: https://whenweallvote.org/takeaction/schools/
Elementary Students
Here is an additional resource to teach about the First Amendment. This resource includes lesson plans, worksheets, and virtual workshops.
Eligible Voters 18+ registering to vote only takes a few minutes
It’s the first step in ensuring you’re involved in the decisions that will impact you, your community, and the country.
Register to vote: https://vote.gov/
Check voter registration:
National Voter Registration Day:
Rock the Vote:
Know the Registration Deadline
The deadline to register to vote varies by state. Some states allow you to register 10-30 days before an election (vote.org, n.d.). Other states allow you to register to vote online by mail, while others require you to register in person (vote.org, n.d.). At the same time, states allow you to register to vote on election day by a specific time (vote.org, n.d.).
See the voter registration deadline is in your state, go to:
Voto Latino has a guide that can help you register to vote, get election updates, request absentee ballots, and more: https://votolatino.org/electioncenter/
Know Your Voting Rights
Empower yourself to know your rights and what to do if you encounter any issues when registering to vote or voting.
Voto.org lists your voting rights: https://www.vote.org/election-protection/
ACLU lists your voting rights for voters with disabilities: https://www.aclu.org/know-your-rights/voting-rights#i-am-a-voter-with-a-disability
Report Election Day problems:
If you run into an issue when you are voting, call 1-866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683)
Be Vote Ready - Research the Candidates & Issues
Here is additional information to help your election day go smoothly. Voto Latino will email you ballot information based on your state. You can also click on the links below to learn about the candidates, understand the issues, and know the proposition that will be on the ballot this November.
Know the Candidates in your state: https://www.vote411.org/ballot
Be Vote Ready - Election Day
Know your polling location: https://www.vote.org/polling-place-locator/
Get election reminders:
Rember your voting rights, and keep this number handy if you, a friend, or a family member run into any issues - Report Election Day problems to 1-866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683)
Election Day is November 5, 2024.
Don’t wait to—be vote-ready and rise and vote to use your voice to make a difference. On election day, share a pic of yourself with your "I voted" sticker on Instagram and use #RiseUpAndVote24
Blog post updated: September 14 @ 1pm CST