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Elections 2024: They will Not Silence Us

No matter what, they will not silence me.

They will not take my story or my joy away from me.

~ They Will Not Silence Me - From Warrior Girl, Written by Carmen Tafolla

Somos Escritoras embraces our entire Latinx comunidad today, and every single day.


As an organization that seeks to empower our young escritoras to amplify their voices and stories through art and writing, we must use our voice to speak out against the racist language used to diminish and dehumanize our Puerto Rican brothers and sisters. We stand in solidarity with our Puerto Rican brothers and sisters, creating a shield from the harmful words and rhetoric stated at the Trump rally in New York.


We call out this hateful language and remind our community of our beauty, love, joy, and the courage and fight of our ancestors who paved the way for our gente.


We have the power to write our stories. We will not be silenced. We will not live in the shadows.


We must amplify our voices – juntos – as we are stronger as a Latinx comunidad.


We must let the world know que Somos Más!

i bet everything i have on my people

& dare the universe to beat us.

~Tradition, From Promises of Gold by José Olivarez



In solidarity.

Somos Escritoras.


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This blog post features writing from our founder, our escritoras (participants/ alumni), writing mentors and more.

Click below to learn more about Somos Escritoras.

Somos Escritoras Writing Workshop for Girls
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